2.5 - 3 years old
parent participation - 1 hour

Key activities

  • Exposure to pre-gymnastics activities and various sports skills and strengthening skills in manipulative play

  • Strengthening skills in manipulative play

Key development areas

  • Physical and social skills

  • Build confidence in climbing and jumping, further strengthening of growing muscles


Just as a pony trot and then slowly moves into a gallop, our sassy Twos are on an exciting journey of discovering their abilities in an independent way. Though mums and dads are still around to guide them, they will be exposed to pre-gymnastics activities and various sports skills, as well as strengthening their skills in manipulative play. The emphasis is working on physical and social skills where they have to listen and follow directions. They will also be building their knowledge of numbers and letters which will help them with language and vocabulary development. Whether it is through our mega obstacle courses or navigating our climbing ropes, or through drills and games, our twos will improve on their coordination, agility and strength, and in that process build their self-esteem and confidence.